Sunday, April 14, 2013


Tonight’s post is about Glee, I have never seen an episode of it, or never really had any intentions of watching it. I guess for my first time watching it, it wasn’t that bad even though it reminded me of another movie I’ve never seen but heard of, the first episode kind of mimics the movie. The movie is High school musical, since I have never seen neither one of these I can’t really say much about what really goes on except in both they are both doing a lot of singing, they both have a male athlete who doesn’t want to sing at first because of how the rest of the people in the school or the rest of the team will look at them. The males feel the need to live up to a certain standard to be popular and if they do what they really like such as singing it is challenging their roles.

As part of the assignment I am supposed to analyze the LGBT Bullying issues that occur in the show Glee. From what I notice in the first episode “Pilot”, it starts off with the only openly gay male getting thrown in to the trash by a posse of the football team lead by the Quarterback, who I also thought could have been a little confused at first and was bullying out of anger. I thought this because before the boy was about to get thrown in the trash he made a remark about his jacket being made by someone famous and the quarterback was kind enough as if he knew the maker of the jacket an let him take it off first, if he was a really bully which he was trying to be he would have just tossed him in anyways. Then moving on to the music teacher I thought it was funny how the cheerleader was jealous and made up a story about him to get him fire just because he was touching the football player. She was jealous that the teacher being a male (he looks as if he could be gay, but says hes not) was touching the guy he likes.

In the episode “never been kissed kiss” it was kind of an obvious episode of the LBGT getting bullied, again it starts off with Kurt being pushed into the lockers by a big football. Later in the show the football player kisses Kurt which explained a lot, it explains why he was always mad. Its because he was a big football player a “jock” so he was suppose to live up to the standards of being a jock but also the reason why he was mad was because he doesn't know how to come out with being gay. He is clearly confused and has a thing for kurt but the only way for him to control himself is to take out his anger and push him around. Personally he was just confused scared and didnt know how to react. There was a few other things that happened like Coach Beast getting forced to quit. Everyone  thinks because she is manly looking that she must be gay but she is not and she has feelings like everyone else. 


  • Does Kurts dad know he is gay?, i know some parents can be in denial sometimes and cant see the obvious.
  • Why didnt Kurt tell the principal the football player was gay? it would have explained to his dad why he has been acting up lately and motive to bothering him.
  • Does Kurt really need to change schools? I know the other school has a no tolerance for bullying, but he finally has support at this school and his new brother who says he is going to step up and help him.


  1. "Later in the show the football player kisses Kurt which explained a lot, it explains why he was always mad. Its because he was a big football player a “jock” so he was suppose to live up to the standards of being a jock but also the reason why he was mad was because he doesn't know how to come out with being gay. He is clearly confused and has a thing for kurt but the only way for him to control himself is to take out his anger and push him around." <---- love how you brought this incident up it definitely reflects the difficulties that the more "masculine" gay males may face in this hetero-normative society, it can be confusing and troubling to someone who was raised as a athlete and a "tough guy" type of individual. So instead of releasing his emotions in a healthy way or getting help or even talking to Kurt who is the only openly gay student in his high school he decides to relieve his conflicted mentality by using violence. AWESOME POST

  2. HI Craig. I wanted to address something you mentioned in the beginning of our post. You give a comparison of high school musical and glee. I thought that idea was genius. i see where you find the similarities. they are both in fact musical approaches, the male protagonist is in fact struggling to socially accept his passion for singing. they are worried about what people might think of them. But i wanted to point something out. I find that high school musical is a more comfortable storyline in accepting feminine actions of males. what i mean is that i feel like HSM doesn't really care if a guy can sing and dance. I think HSM lesson is to accept whatever the talent an individual (whether male or female) may have. Whereas, glee just declines that story line. ex. kurt being thrown in the dumpster and no one is stopping it.

  3. i agree with what you said. glee kind of reminds me of high school musical except glee has more inclusion in it then high school musical does

  4. I'm going to answer your second question: Why didn't Kurt out him?

    I feel as though Kurt didn't end up outting the jock because the audience is supposed to see Kurt as a sort of "hero", if you will. Had Kurt outted the jock to the principal, Kurt would no longer be a likeable character for the audience because he would have seemed like a snotty little queer.

    Part of me also thinks that it was part of Kurt's humanity to not out him. Considering all the trouble that Kurt went through during the show, I think we are supposed to see Kurt as "the better person", someone with a sense of solidarity for the oppressed community.
